This session deals with the topics of sexuality and ageing. Knowing the stories of those who today are the age of their grandparents and have faced discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender diversity is fundamental for contextualising the past and intervening in the present. Thus, through the life stories of people we have interviewed in sociology research projects developed at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, we provide knowledge and reflection on diversity throughout life, stimulating the creation of intergenerational ties and the development of tools for a more inclusive future and full citizenship.
Project REMEMBER and Project TRACE, in partnership with GPS CES – Sexualities Research Group, at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. Team Ana Cristina Santos, Ana Lúcia Santos, Gustavo Borges Mariano, Joana Brilhante, Mara Pieri and Pedro Fidalgo