Ageing is a complex process that has triggered much attention in recent years. Taking place on the last day of September and the first day of the International Month of Ageing (October), this 2-days event aims at making an important contribution to the ongoing debate around ageing, by focusing on a significant area that has been overlooked due to a combination of factors, including ageism and LGBTQI+ based discrimination. The focus on Southern European contexts will be an entry point into broader discussions about former totalitarian regimes and the transition to democracy and further socio-political and cultural processes that impact on the lived experiences of older LGBTQI+ people. With this in mind we welcome proposals based in Southern Europe and beyond!

The conference will focus on topics at the intersections of ageing and LGBTQI+ issues, including:
- Active ageing for LGBTQI+ over 60
- Advocacy and policy for LGBTQI+ over 60
- Ageism and LGBTQI+ older adults
- Community and support networks for LGBTQI+ over 60
- Happiness, hope and future in queer ageing
- Healthcare challenges for LBGTQI+ older adults
- Histories and lived memory of aids and survival
- Histories and lived memory of criminalization and resistance
- Intersectionality and ageing
- Mental healthcare / Memory care regarding older LGBTQI+ people
- Queer Ageing Studies
- Religion, spirituality and diversity
- Queer archives
- Sexuality and intimacy in later life
- Social isolation and loneliness in LGBTQI+ older adults
- Strengthening intergenerational social and political ties
- Other relevant topics in Gender/LGBTQI+ Studies and Studies on Age, Ageing and Life Path
Registration and payment is open HERE
The full programme for the Forum is now available! HERE
The working language during the Forum is English. However, based on demand, 1 of the parallel sessions will have Portuguese as the working language.
Important dates
May 23rd – Selection of abstracts for presentations
May 21th – Open of registration and payment
July 31th – Publication of the full programme for the Forum
August 30th – Deadline for registration and payment (Extended!)
Students, unemployed individuals, and GPS-CES members: 50€
CES members: 70€
General registration: 100€
Location | Coimbra, Portugal, one of the most charismatic ancient cities of Portugal, with its emblematic University dating back to 1290! Come and enjoy this vibrant community and its 734 years of History!
Faculty of Humanities of the University of Coimbra
Instituto da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, Largo Porta Férrea, 3000-370 Coimbra
Centre for Social Studies – Alta
Colégio de S. Jerónimo, Largo D. Dinis Apartado 3087, 3000-995 Coimbra
Structure and target audience
As the final event of the REMEMBER project, funded by the FCT, together with the TRACE project, funded by the European Research Council, the 1st International Forum on LGBTQI+ Ageing in Southern Europe will gather experts, policy-makers, service-providers, activists, artists, students and NGOs working in the intersecting fields of sexualities, gender identity and ageing.
The Forum will include plenary sessions with keynote speakers, roundtables and parallel sessions. It welcomes anyone committed to creating an inclusive and warming society for ageing queers.
Keynote Speakers
Andrew King, Head of the Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK
Professor Andrew King, Ph.D. is the Head of the Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey, UK. Professor Andrew King’s research is focused on gerontology and the sociology of ageing; gender and sexualities and LGBTI+ ageing. He is the Co-Director of the Centre for Research on Ageing and Generations, Co-Chair of SGS (the Sex, Gender and Sexualities Research Group at Surrey) and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He serves as editor and co-editor for Ageing and Society and Sociology journals and provides expertise to the International Longevity Centre.
Mojca Urek, Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Associate Professor Mojca Urek, Ph.D. is a distinguished academic at the University of Ljubljana, and the Dean of the Faculty of Social Work. Professor Mojca research focus on narrative approaches, mental health, LGBT+ issues, and gender-based violence. Through her extensive research, leadership, and advocacy, she has made substantial contributions to social work practice, reforms, and initiatives both nationally and across Europe.
Organising Committee
Ana Cristina Santos (Coord.)
Ana Lúcia Santos
Irene Massa
Joana Brilhante
Mara Pieri
Pablo Pérez Navarro
Pako Chalkidis
Pedro Fidalgo
Organized by Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra (Portugal), REMEMBER – Recording Experiences of LGBTQ Olders in Post-Dictatorship Portugal (1974-2020), TRACE -Tracing Queer Citizenship over Time: Ageing, ageism and age-related LGBTI+ politics in Europe
In partnership with CES 50 Anos de Abril || 50 Years of April, DemoJUST – Democracy, Justice and Human Rights Thematic Line, GPS – CES Research Group on Sexualities, Trialogues – Biopolíticas emergentes do parentesco, o gênero e a reprodução: TRIÁLOGOS desde o Sul , PhD Programme in Feminist Studies (CES/ FLUC).
For more information, please contact: