
Research Summary Malta

Malta: LGBTQI+ and Ageing in a Nutshell

Author: Joana Brilhante

This Research Summary overviews LGBTQI+ rights in Malta since 1960 (the decade when Malta became an independent state). It addresses critical themes such as criminalization, legal and social repression, the journey toward decriminalization, and the influence of the European Union alongside broader modernization and democratization efforts.

By emphasizing significant milestones, including legal advancements, and presenting a brief evaluation of key statistical data, this report outlines the trajectory of LGBTQI+ equality in Malta. Special attention is dedicated to topics of Age and Ageing, with a particular focus on the experiences of LGBTQI+ individuals as they age. This focus aligns with the growing recognition of ageing as a vital area of policy and research.

This Summary is part of the research conducted by project TRACE – Tracing Queer Citizenship over Time: Ageing, ageism, and age-related LGBTI+ politics in Europe, based at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Project TRACE has produced six Research Summaries, covering PortugalItalyGreece, Malta, Slovenia, and the European Union.

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